I agree to: Provide equal professional service without regard to the race, color, religion, gender (sex), disability (handicap), familial status, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity of any prospective client, customer, or of the residents of any community.
Keep informed about fair housing law and practices, improving my clients’ and customers’ opportunities and my business.
Develop advertising that indicates that everyone is welcome and no one is excluded;, expanding my client’s and customer’s opportunities to see, buy, or lease property.
Inform my clients and customers about their rights and responsibilities under the fair housing laws by providing brochures and other information.
Document my efforts to provide professional service, which will assist me in becoming a more responsive and successful REALTOR®.
Refuse to tolerate non-compliance.
Learn about those who are different from me, and celebrate those differences.
Take a positive approach to fair housing practices and aspire to follow the spirit as well as the letter of the law.
Develop and implement fair housing practices for my firm to carry out the spirit of this declaration.
Laws That Protect You
Federal and state fair housing laws were put into effect to create an even playing field for homebuyers in all areas of a real estate transaction. These laws prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, and national origin.
Civil Rights Act of 1866
The federal Civil Rights Act of 1866 prohibits all racial discrimination in the sale or rental of property.
Civil Rights Act of 1968 and 1988 Amendment
In leasing or selling residential property, the Civil Rights Act of 1968 expands the definition of discrimination to include not only race, but also national origin, color, and religion. The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 further broadens the definition to include age, sex, and handicapped status.
Fair Housing Act
The federal Fair Housing Act of 1988 and Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 constitute the Fair Housing Act. The Act makes fair housing a national policy throughout the U.S. It prohibits discrimination in the sale, lease or rental of housing, or making housing otherwise unavailable because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Title III of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in commercial facilities and places of public accommodation.
Equal Credit Opportunity Act
The federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against anyone on a credit application due to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age or because all or part of an applicant’s income comes from any public assistance program.
Know Your Rights and Responsibilities
Homesellers, prospective homebuyers, real estate agents, mortgage brokers and loan officers all have rights and responsibilities under the law.
Sellers’ Responsibilities
As a home seller or landlord, you are obligated not to discriminate in the sale, rental or financing of your property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin. Also, you cannot do so through your licensed broker or salesperson, who is also bound by anti-discrimination laws. You may not set any discriminatory terms or conditions in a purchase contract or a lease. Additionally, you may not deny that housing is available or advertise a property’s availability only to persons of a certain race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin.
Real Estate Professionals’ Responsibilities
Real Estate agents, mortgage brokers and loan officers in a real estate transaction may not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin. Equally as important, they may not follow such instructions from a homeseller or landlord.
What To Do if You Feel the Law Has Been Violated
Discrimination complaints about housing may be filed with the nearest office of the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or by calling HUD’s telephone numbers, (202)708-1112 (Voice) or (202)708-1455 (TTY). Or contact HUD on the Internet at http://www.hud.gov/fhe/fheo.html.
Ruotsalainen ilmastoaktivisti Greta Thunberg on aiheuttanut tviiteillään kohun Saksassa. Thunberg tviittasi lauantaina kuvan, jossa hän istuu junan käytävällä matkatavaroidensa keskellä. Otos on 16-vuotiaan ilmastoaktivistin kotimatkalta Madridin ilmastokokouksesta kohti Ruotsia. Hän kertoo olevan kuvassa Saksassa. …read more
Mumbaissa toimiva yritys valmentaa intialaisia insinöörejä Suomen työmarkkinoille. Intian Piilaaksossa työskentelevä Radhakrushna Mohanty aikoo muuttaa Tampereelle. …read more
Toimeksisaajat tarvitsevat lakiin perustuvan pohjan sille, miten heidän sairausajan palkkansa, perhevapaansa sekä työttömyys- ja eläketurvansa määritellään. …read more
HS selvitti Irakin Erbilissä, miten evakuointeja al-Holin leiriltä on toteutettu. Kurdistanin ulkoministeri Safeen Dizayee toivoo syvempää yhteistyötä varsinkin Euroopan mailta. …read more
Sosiaalinen media on avannut ihmisille uusia tiedonlähteitä ja keskustelumahdollisuuksia, mutta samalla se on avannut laajalevikkisen kanavan, jonka kautta voi levittää tehokkaasti uskomuksia tiedon sijaan ja lietsoa vihaa. …read more
Ritva Vallivaara-Pastosta, 58, tuli lauantaina ensimmäinen suomalainen 1 000 maratonia juossut nainen. Maailmanlistalla hän on naisista kuudes. Hän sanoo olevansa kuin kissa kuumalla katolla, jos juoksemaan ei pääse. …read more
Переселять проживающих в аварийных и ветхих домах россиян за счет ипотеки со ставкой не выше 3% годовых предложили в комитете Госдумы по бюджету. Автор инициативы единоросс Дмитрий Юрков подготовил соответствующую поправку к законопроекту “О внесении изменений в Жилищный кодекс». …read more
Переселять проживающих в аварийных и ветхих домах россиян за счет ипотеки со ставкой не выше 3% годовых предложили в комитете Госдумы по бюджету. Автор инициативы единоросс Дмитрий Юрков подготовил соответствующую поправку к законопроекту “О внесении изменений в Жилищный кодекс». …read more
Переселять проживающих в аварийных и ветхих домах россиян за счет ипотеки со ставкой не выше 3% годовых предложили в комитете Госдумы по бюджету. Автор инициативы единоросс Дмитрий Юрков подготовил соответствующую поправку к законопроекту “О внесении изменений в Жилищный кодекс». …read more
Mittavaa nettihuumekauppaa pyörittänyt nuori mies on tuomittu yli kahdeksaksi vuodeksi vankeuteen. Tuomittu käytti internetin salatussa Tor-verkossa nimimerkkiä “TeknoJeesus”. Se on viranomaisvalvonnan perusteella ollut yksi aktiivisimmista huumausaineiden myyjistä Tor-verkon huumausaineiden myyntiin erikoistuneilla sivustoilla eli niin sanotuilla kauppapaikoilla. Itä-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus tuomitsi 19-vuotiaan Niko Mikael Riikosen törkeästä huumausainerikoksesta ja ampuma-aserikoksesta 8 vuoden 6 kuukauden vankeusrangaistukseen. Hänen katsottiin käyttäneen jo vuonna 2017 perustettua nimimerkkiä ainakin helmikuusta 2018 alkaen ja myyneen huomattavia määriä erittäin vaarallisia huumausaineita. …read more
Pääministeri Sanna Marin on kommentoinut Viron sisäministerin puheita. Marin julkaisi myöhään sunnuntaina tviitin, jossa hän ei suoraan mainitse Viron sisäministeri Mart Helmea. Ilmeistä kuitenkin on, että Helmen puheet kirvoittivat Marinilta kommentin. …read more
Russia vetoed a US draft resolution at the UN Security Council Tuesday that would have established an independent investigation into a suspected chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime in Douma, Syria. …read more
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital on Tuesday due to a high fever and coughs, according to a statement from his office. …read more
Paramount Miami Worldcenter Luxury Condos is Miami downtown luxury building featuring 470 luxury residences. Paramount Miami Worldcenter Luxury Condos offering unprecedented amenities and services. Directly connected to the Paramount Miami Worldcenter Mall. Residents will have all the convenience of luxury retail and restaurants just steps away.
Paramount Miami Worldcenter Luxury Condos occupying 27 acres in the heart of downtown Miami. Paramount Miami Worldcenter is one of the largest private real estate developments underway in the United States. Phase One of the ten-block project will include world-class retail, residential towers, and an expo center and adjacent hotel that will elevate the underserved neighborhood to destination status.
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Paramount Miami Worldcenter is a collaboration between master developer Paramount Miami Worldcenter Luxury Condos Associates and a team of best-in-class development, design and engineering firms. The Forbes Company and Taubman will deliver a 765,000 square-foot shopping mall anchored by Bloomingdale’s, Macy’s and complementary dining and entertainment options. A diverse mix of residential offerings will account for approximately 1,000 housing units, including luxury residences, boutique condominiums and market-rate apartments. Miami Worldcenter’s first residential tower, the 466-unit Paramount Miami Worldcenter condominium.
Additionally, Miami-based MDM Group will develop a new 54-story, 1,800-room JW Marriott Marquis hotel and expo center set to feature 600,000 square-feet of meeting and event space. Paramount Miami Worldcenter’s pedestrian-only promenade, including lifestyle and retail offerings, will connect the JW Marriott Marquis to main thoroughfares that lead to the Bayfront to the east. The Mall at Paramount Miami Worldcenter consisting of luxury retail and signature restaurants anchored by Bloomingdale’s and Macy’s.
Bridging Miami’s Central Business District with its fast-growing Arts & Entertainment District, Miami Worldcenter will breathe new life into some of the City’s most underutilized blocks while enhancing neighborhood connectivity and creating new links to public transit. Modifications to area streets and expanded sidewalks will improve pedestrian and vehicle flow between Biscayne Bay, Museum Park and American Airlines Arena and points west, including Overtown and the Miami River. Direct links to the new All Aboard Florida high speed rail terminal, now under construction, and the existing Miami-Dade Metromover system will encourage the use of mass transit.
Miami is a major center and a leader in finance, commerce, culture, media, entertainment, the arts, and international trade.[12][13] In 2012, Miami was classified as an Alpha− World City in the World Cities Study Group’s inventory.[14] In 2010, Miami ranked seventh in the United States in terms of finance, commerce, culture, entertainment, fashion, education, and other sectors. It ranked thirty-third among global cities.[15] In 2008, Forbes magazine ranked Miami “America’s Cleanest City”, for its year-round good air quality, vast green spaces, clean drinking water, clean streets and city-wide recycling programs.[16]According to a 2009 UBS study of 73 world cities, Miami was ranked as the richest city in the United States, and the world’s fifth-richest city in terms of purchasing power.[17]Miami is nicknamed the “Capital of Latin America”,[1] is the second largest U.S. city with a Spanish-speaking majority,[18] and the largest city with a Cuban-American plurality.[19]
Downtown Miami is home to the largest concentration of international banks in the United States, and many large national and international companies.[20][21] The Civic Center is a major center for hospitals, research institutes, medical centers, andbiotechnology industries. For more than two decades, the Port of Miami, known as the “Cruise Capital of the World”, has been the number one cruise passenger port in the world. It accommodates some of the world’s largest cruise ships and operations, and is the busiest port in both passenger traffic and cruise lines.[22][23]
Miami is a major center of commerce, finance, and boasts a strong international business community. According to the ranking of world cities undertaken by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network (GaWC) in 2010 and based on the level of presence of global corporate service organizations, Miami is considered a “Alpha minus world city“.[69] Miami has a Gross Metropolitan Product of $257 billion and is ranked 20th worldwide in GMP, and 11th in the United States.[70][71]
Miami is a major television production center, and the most important city in the U.S. for Spanish language media. Univisión,Telemundo and UniMÁS have their headquarters in Miami, along with their production studios. The Telemundo Television Studiosproduces much of the original programming for Telemundo, such as their telenovelas and talk shows. In 2011, 85% of Telemundo’s original programming was filmed in Miami.[73] Miami is also a major music recording center, with theSony Music Latin and Universal Music Latin Entertainment headquarters in the city, along with many other smaller record labels. The city also attracts many artists for music video and film shootings.
Since 2001, Miami has been undergoing a large building boom with more than 50 skyscrapers rising over 400 feet (122 m) built or currently under construction in the city. Miami’s skyline is ranked third-most impressive in the U.S., behind New York City and Chicago, and 19th in the world according to the Almanac of Architecture and Design.[74] The city currently has the eight tallest (as well as thirteen of the fourteen tallest) skyscrapers in the state of Florida, with the tallest being the 789-foot (240 m)Four Seasons Hotel & Tower.[75]
During the mid-2000s, the city witnessed its largest real estate boom since the Florida land boom of the 1920s. During this period, the city had well over a hundred approved high-rise construction projects in which 50 were actually built.[76] In 2007, however, the housing market crashed causing lots of foreclosures on houses.[77] This rapid high-rise construction, has led to fast population growth in the city’s inner neighborhoods, primarily in Downtown, Brickell and Edgewater, with these neighborhoods becoming the fastest-growing areas in the city. The Miami area ranks 8th in the nation in foreclosures.[78] In 2011, Forbes magazine named Miami the second-most miserable city in the United States due to its high foreclosure rate and past decade of corruption among public officials.[79] In 2012,Forbes magazine named Miami the most miserable city in the United States because of a crippling housing crisis that has cost multitudes of residents their homes and jobs. The metro area has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country and workers face lengthy daily commutes.[80]
Miami International Airport and PortMiami are among the nation’s busiest ports of entry, especially for cargo from South America and the Caribbean. The Port of Miami is the world’s busiest cruise port, and MIA is the busiest airport in Florida, and the largest gateway between the United States and Latin America.[81] Additionally, the city has the largest concentration of international banks in the country, primarily along Brickell Avenue in Brickell, Miami’s financial district. Due to its strength in international business, finance and trade, many international banks have offices in Downtown such as Espírito Santo Financial Group, which has its U.S. headquarters in Miami. Miami was also the host city of the 2003 Free Trade Area of the Americas negotiations, and is one of the leading candidates to become the trading bloc’s headquarters.
As of 2011, PortMiami accounts for 176,000 jobs and has an annual economic impact in Miami of $18 billion. It is the 11th-largest cargo container port in the United States. In 2010, a record 4.33 million passengers traveled through PortMiami. One in seven of all the world’s cruise passengers start from Miami.[citation needed]
The Civic Center has the country’s second-largest concentration of medical and research facilities. It is the center of Miami’s growingbiotechnology sectors.[82]
Tourism is also an important industry in Miami. Along with finance and business, the beaches, conventions, festivals and events draw over 38 million visitors annually into the city, from across the country and around the world, spending $17.1 billion.[83][84] The Art Deco District in South Beach, is reputed as one of the most glamorous in the world for its nightclubs, beaches, historical buildings, and shopping. Annual events such as the Sony Ericsson Open, Art Basel, Winter Music Conference,South Beach Wine & Food Festival, and Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Miami attract millions to the metropolis every year.
Miami is the home to the National Hurricane Center and the headquarters of the United States Southern Command, responsible for military operations in Central and South America. In addition to these roles, Miami is also an industrial center, especially for stone quarrying and warehousing. These industries are centered largely on the western fringes of the city near Doral and Hialeah.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2004, Miami had the third highest incidence of family incomes below the federal poverty line in the United States, making it the third poorest city in the USA, behind only Detroit, Michigan (ranked #1) and El Paso, Texas (ranked #2). Miami is also one of the very few cities where its local government went bankrupt, in 2001.[85] However, since that time, Miami has experienced a revival: in 2008, Miami was ranked as “America’s Cleanest City” according toForbes for its year-round good air quality, vast green spaces, clean drinking water, clean streets and city-wide recycling programs.[16] In a 2009 UBS study of 73 world cities, Miami was ranked as the richest city in the United States (of four U.S. cities included in the survey) and the world’s fifth-richest city, in terms of purchasing power.[17]
South of Fifth SOFI South Beach Luxury Condos: South of Fifth, also known as SOFI, is s small exclusive affluent neighborhood in South Beach (Miami Beach). SOFI from South Pointe Park north to fifth street; from east to west. The area is surrounded by water on three sides from the Ocean to Biscayne Bay, South of Fifth is considered a peaceful oasis with immediate access to many of South Beach’s notable activities.
South of Fifth SOFI is home to some of Miami Beach’s most luxurious condos like: Glass, Portofino Tower, Apogee South Beach, Icon, Murano Grande, Murano at Portofino, Continuum Towers, Ocean House, South Pointe Tower and the Yacht Club At Portofino.
Below is a list of condos for sale at Miami Beach South of Fifth, Florida. Contact us today if you have questions or would like to schedule a showing of a condo at Miami Beach South of Fifth!
This area was the first section of Miami Beach to be developed, starting in the 1910s, thanks to the development efforts of Carl G. Fisher, the Lummus Brothers, and John S. Collins, the latter whose construction of the Collins Bridge provided the first vital land link between mainlandMiami and the beaches.
The area has gone through numerous artificial and natural changes over the years, including a booming regional economy and increased tourism.
Another unique aesthetic attribute of South Beach is the presence of several colorful and unique stands used by Miami Beach’s lifeguards on South Beach.
Aria on the Bay Pre Construction a luxurious and glamorous enclave of grand residences in a 53-story tower on the water in the Heart of Miami, Florida. Aria On The Bay is strategically located in the Arts & Entertainment District walking distance to all the best Miami now has and will soon offer. These mansions in the sky range in size from 813 to over 2,365 square feet of indoor space, plus expansive terraces. All residences feature 9-foot glass floor to ceiling. Elegance has a new address at this luxury high rise condominium building in Miami!
True sky homes are rare – except at Aria on the Bay. 1 to 4 bedrooms, open layouts,
and exceptional finishes exceed even the highest expectations of refined living.
Take a deep breath… release yourself from the cares of the outside world… Overlooking Biscayne Bay and perched atop the downtown Miami skyline, Aria on the Bay provides the ultimate atmosphere for your enjoyment.
Nothing stands between you and your favorite pursuits- panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows offer endless bay and city views, spacious floor plans grant easy flow between rooms, and your own private Resort complete with sunrise/sunset pools, theater, gym and more opens up worlds of possibilities.
The best of Miami surrounds you in every direction. Clear skies greet you from oversized balconies. Acres of pet friendly green park including tennis, volleyball, baseball, outdoor fitness and children’s playground on the waterfront roll out in front of you. Turquoise waters stretch out along the coastline of downtown…
Culture and the arts beckon from neighboring Performing Arts and Entertainment District and Museum Park. Fabulous cuisine and nightlife await in Midtown, the Design District, and Wynwood. Professional success in the business core of Downtown Miami and Brickell, within minutes of South Beach. All the rhythm, energy, and appeal of the Magic City is yours.
• 2 curved sunrise/sunset pools
• Children’s pool
• Hot tub overlooking Biscayne Bay
• Indoor/outdoor social room
• Expansive sun deck and lounge area
• Street-level retail and office space
• High-speed wireless internet in social spaces
• 24-hour reception desk and on-site monitoring
• Controlled-entry garage with assigned parking
• Valet parking
• State-of-the-art gym and yoga studio
• Outdoor fire pit with custom seating
• BBQ area with summer kitchen features
• Great room with social areas including pool table
and flat screen tv
• Private spa and massage treatment area
• Game room and library
• Screening room/theater
• Teen Lounge and Kids’ Playroom
• Business center with conference room and offices
Below is a sample list of condos for sale at Aria on the bay Miami, Florida. Contact us today if you have questions or would like to schedule a showing of a condo at Aria On The Bay!
Aria on the Bay is a high-rise condominium under construction in the Omni neighborhood of 1770 North Bay Shore Drive,Miami, Florida, U.S.A. It was approved at a height of 535 feet in 2015 after an initial notice of presumed hazard by the FAA, who recommended a height of 460 feet.[1] The 52-story building will have over 650 units ranging from 813-2365 sq ft as well as commercial space.[2]
Miami-Dade County (commonly called Dade County, Dade, Metro-Dade or Greater Miami) is a county located in the southeastern part of the State ofFlorida and is the southeasternmost county on the U.S. mainland. As of the2010 census, the county had a population of 2,496,435,[1] making it the most populous county in Florida and theseventh-most populous county in the United States.[2] It is also Florida’s third-largest county in terms of land area, with 1,946 square miles (5,040 km2). The county seat is Miami.[3]
The county is home to 35 incorporated cities and many unincorporated areas. The northern, central and eastern portions of the county are heavily urbanizedwith many high rises up the coastline, as well as the location of South Florida‘s central business district, Downtown Miami. Southern Miami-Dade County includes the Redland andHomestead areas, which make up the agricultural economy of Miami. Agricultural Redland makes up roughly one third of Miami-Dade County’s inhabited land area, and is sparsely populated, a stark contrast to the densely populated, urban northern Miami-Dade County. The western portion of the county extends into the Everglades National Park and is populated only by a Miccosukee Tribal village. East of the mainland in Biscayne Bay is alsoBiscayne National Park and the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves.
The Town of Palm Beach (called Palm Beach Island or the Island of Palm Beach to differentiate between the town and the county) is an incorporated town in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. The Intracoastal Waterway separates it from the neighboring cities of West Palm Beach and Lake Worth.
Palm Beach was established as a resort by Henry Morrison Flagler, a founder of Standard Oil, who made the Atlantic coast barrier island accessible via his Florida East Coast Railway. The nucleus of the community was established by Flagler’s two luxury resort hotels, the Royal Poinciana Hotel and The Breakers Hotel. Flagler’s houselots were bought by the beneficiaries of the Gilded Age, and in 1902 Flagler himself built a Beaux-Arts mansion, Whitehall, designed by the New York–based firm Carrère and Hastings and helped establish the Palm Beach winter “season” by constantly entertaining. The town was incorporated on 17 April 1911.
Flagler’s house lots were bought by the beneficiaries of the Gilded Age, and in 1902 Flagler himself built a Beaux-Arts mansion, Whitehall, designed by the New York–based firm Carrère and Hastingsand helped establish the Palm Beach winter “season” by constantly entertaining. The town was incorporated on 17 April 1911.
An area known as the Styx housed many of the servants, most of whom were black. The workers rented their small houses from the landowners. In the early 1900s the landowners agreed to evict all of the residents of the Styx (who moved to West Palm Beach, Florida) and Edward R. Bradleybought up much of this land.[4] The houses were razed, according to the Palm Beach Daily News.
Alice Lonnqvist Top Real Estate Agent Palm Beach Hypoluxo Florida
Based on Madvalorem research, Alice Lonnqvist with Home Max Realty International performed excellently in 2014. Alice Lonnqvist was the top real estate agent in Palm Beach Hypoluxo Florida for 2014. This body of work merits recognition, and it blasted Alice Lonnqvist to the top of the list in Palm Beach Hypoluxo Florida. If you are looking for an agent to assist in finding a house or if you want to put your home on the market, Alice has the expertise in Palm Beach Hypoluxo you want. Alice Lonnqvist was also a top-25 agent in Hypoluxo, South Palm Beach, 33462, and 33480. With countless choices, picking the best real estate agent is difficult, but the numbers are clear. Alice Lonnqvist is an excellent selection around Palm Beach Hypoluxo Florida.
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Here are 6 essential steps to take now to be sale-ready after Memorial Day:
1. Tackle the obvious repairs
If you want to sell your home this summer, start by tackling all the necessary and obvious repairs. The idea is to prevent potential buyers from being distracted by chipping paint, scuffed-up floors, and leaking gutters as they tour your home. Instead of making a mental list of what needs to be fixed, they’ll be able to focus on your home’s positive qualities.
You’ll save time (and money) by eliminating needless negotiations over minor repair issues. Handling repairs ahead of time saves you from the estimated, and often overinflated, cost of repairs the buyers claim. Your actual cost will almost always be less than a buyer’s post-inspection estimate.
2. Remove your clutter and junk now
Clutter eats equity and kills deals. Period. It’s time to declutter and free up space in your home. Evaluate each item in your house and either save, store, scrap it, or sell it. Remember: less is more to make a home sellable.
Once you’ve thrown out unused items, organize the rest. Living space is a precious commodity; play it up to give your home a sense of expansiveness. Buyers will be naturally drawn to a home that feels bigger.
3. Depersonalize your home
It’s time to take down the personal collectibles, family heirlooms, and school pictures. Not that these treasures aren’t amazing — I have a house full of family heirlooms, but now is not their time in the spotlight.
When it comes to selling your home, a blank slate will appeal to potential buyers. They want to visualize themselves in the home, and to them, your memorabilia is getting in the way of that, so put it away.
4. Remove anything polarizing
When preparing your home for sale, remove any controversial elements such as religious or political items. These items tend to elicit a strong emotional reaction — don’t give the buyer a chance to prejudge your home because of your political or religious beliefs.
5. Pump up the curb appeal
First impressions are everything, and a polished facade is sure to bring buyers in the front door. Take advantage of the spring growing season. This is the time to plant grass and flowering plants, and don’t forget to trim the trees and bushes.
By sale day, your curb appeal — the way your house looks from the street — will be in full bloom and ready for the stream of potential buyers. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. That’s why curb appeal is so critical.
6. Get a reality check
While we all have an idea of our home’s value, these self-appraisals are rarely objective. Give yourself a reality check with Our new home estimate tool. This tool provides an automated value estimate and recommends agents who can give you an even more detailed and accurate pricing.
Get to know the competition by exploring similar homes on the market in your neighborhood. A quick survey of the competition’s features and list price will be immensely helpful in picking the perfect list price for your home.
Get a head start on the summer sale season by preparing your house (and yourself). Your agent will be thrilled you’ve done your homework, and you’ll each have a realistic view of what your house is really worth!
Be wary of these pitfalls if you want to get the most money out of your home sale.
After years of bad housing news, most of America’s markets have begun to turn around. With the trifecta of increasing prices, historically low interest rates for buyers, and the approaching summer sale season, selling sounds pretty good right now.
But before you list, it pays to do your homework upfront. We’ve put together 10 of the most common seller mistakes to help you save thousands — even tens of thousands — of dollars.
1. Selling your home on your own
Trying to sell your home by yourself is sheer madness. You need the expertise of a professional. And the numbers don’t lie: homes without representation remain on the market longer and end up selling at a lower price than those with a pro at the helm.
2. Mispricing your home
Overpricing or underpricing is a huge and costly error. It’s critical to understand your market: become familiar with comps currently for sale (and those that have recently sold) to understand exactly what price tag your home needs.
3. Neglecting necessary repairs
You will lose money if you don’t remedy repairs before you list your house. It’s less costly to fix things ahead of time, rather than have buyers see all of your home’s faults at the open house. If you don’t, you’re almost guaranteed that prospective buyers will offer less or ask for a credit back for the work that needs to be done before the deal closes.
4. Refusing to tidy up before listing
Clutter eats equity and kills deals. Create a sense of spaciousness by decluttering. From the kitchen countertops to the overstuffed closets to the trophy-lined shelves in the den, it’ll cost nothing to get rid of all that stuff. But it will reap big rewards when it’s time to sell.
5. Listing a vacant house
Viewing an empty house makes buyers feel the same way: empty. Most real estate pros are firm believers that a home should be dressed or “staged.” Don’t worry, you won’t need to go out and buy new furniture and accessories. Chances are, you already have plenty to choose from.
If your furniture is being used in your new house house or is taking a cross-country trek, it might be worth making the small (but mighty) investment in a local staging company.
6. Letting your ego get in the way
Many sellers take negotiating personally and lose out on creating a win-win deal (if not the entire deal). Remember, this is a business transaction — perhaps the biggest one of your life. Take your ego out of the equation and put your head back into it.
7. Failing to complete a full set of disclosures
Too many sellers lose big bucks because they were afraid to disclose their home’s imperfections. Be upfront and forthcoming about all of your home’s issues. It will save you money and time, especially if the buyers end up uncovering problems themselves — because they will.
8. Mistiming the sale
Even a sale that misses its schedule by one day can cost you tens of thousands in extra taxes. Don’t be left a day late and many dollars short. Talk to your accountant well in advance to determine if any long-term capital gains tax breaks apply, and time the sale accordingly.
9. Overlooking extra expenses at closing
Home sellers throw thousands away by not requesting and confirming a list of fees and expenses prior to closing. Review the estimated closing cost statements with your real estate agent well before it’s time to hand over the keys. Don’t expect any discounts and credits on closing day if you overlook this step.
10. Using lousy photos
This is a pet peeve. Too many for-sale homes feature amateur iPhone photos in their listings. More than 90% of all buyers start their home search online, so you’d better make sure you and your agent nail your home’s close-up! You won’t ever get a second chance to make the perfect first impression.
– See more at: http://www.trulia.com/blog/home-selling-mistakes/#sthash.AlbEqhBc.dpuf
Half Moon Bay is a superb Intracoastal waterfront community with resort ambiance featuring ocean breezes and leisure strolls along the sand beach. There are two lovely heated pools, hot tub, saunas, promenade lounge deck and gazebo along the waterfront. The clubhouse at Half Moon Bay is inviting and comfortable and the scene of the many eclectic parties sponsored by the community Social Committee. There are three tennis courts and a bocca ball court for residents and guests. All of this in a gated community close to all that the Palm Beaches offer…beaches, shopping, entertainment, restaurants…you name it. It just doesn’t get much better than this!
The name “Hypoluxo” comes from the Seminole name for Lake Worth, roughly translated “water all ’round — no get out.” The lake was later renamed in honor of Seminole Indian War colonel William Jerkins Worth. However, the name “Hypoluxo” still was associated with the area on the south shores of the lake, as evidenced by its appearance on an 1841 War Department map.[4]Hypoluxo Scrub Natural Area is a protected landscape.
Living in City Place, in West Palm Beach is reminiscent of a beautiful Italian town center with premier shopping, dining, and entertainment. City Place residents enjoy a lifestyle that offers the best in city living and is just steps away from more than 80 national retailers and specialty boutiques, 10 restaurants and live entertainment on the plaza in front of dancing water show fountains, a 20-screen Muvico Imax movie theater, Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, Dreyfoos School of the Arts, and the Harriet Theater. CityPlace is located in downtown West Palm Beach.
CityPlace area Luxury Condos from $150,000
CityPlace operates a free trolley service that links the center with the Clematis District and has more than 50,000 people riding the trolleys each month. This service in itself has become a popular tourist attraction, and runs from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday, and 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Thursday through Saturday.
CityPlace West Palm Beach area Condos For Sale
Below is a list of condos for sale at Cityplace West Palm Beach, Florida. Contact us today if you have questions or would like to schedule a showing of a condo at Cityplace!
The Moorings at Lantana is a superb Intracoastal waterfront community with resort ambiance featuring ocean breezes and leisure strolls along the Marina. At Moorings there are two lovely heated pools, hot tubs, saunas, … The clubhouse is inviting and comfortable. Close to shopping, restaurants, I-95, beach…you name it. It just doesn’t get much better than this! Beutiful first floor corner unit has updated kitchen, tile floors and large fenced patio.
Half Moon Bay is a superb Intracoastal waterfront community with resort ambiance featuring ocean breezes and leisure strolls along the sand beach. There are two lovely heated pools, hot tub, saunas, promenade lounge deck and gazebo along the waterfront. The clubhouse is inviting and comfortable and the scene of the many eclectic parties sponsored by the community Social Committee. There are three tennis courts and a bocce ball court for residents and guests. All of this in a gated community close to all that the Palm Beaches offer…beaches, shopping, entertainment, restaurants…you name it. It just doesn’t get much better than this!
1551 N Flagler Dr #1505, West Palm Beach FL 33401 Slade condo for sale
Slade is modern West Palm Beach waterfront building. 2 pools, hot tub, sauna, gym and beautiful intracostal views. Large 2 bedroom condo has updated kitchen, bathrooms and floors. Intracoastal views from the bedrooms, living room and balcony. Walk to cityplace, restaurants of downtown West Palm Beach. Close to shopping, airport and I-95.
Location: 4111 South Ocean Drive, Hollywood, FL, United States Prices starting from: $ 710,900
Extraordinary architectural design by internationally acclaimed architect Cohen Freedman Encinosa & Assoc. of over 50 luxury condominiums in South Florida including Apogee Beach, Beachwalk, and Bellini Bal Harbour. Located in Hollywood Beach in the heart of South Florida, Hyde Beach Resort Condominium Residences will rise along the pristine Beaches of the Atlantic Ocean and just minutes away from the Aventura Mall and Shops at Bal Harbour.
Property Type
Residential High-rise
Central Heating
Security System
Swimming Pool
Laundry Room
Air Conditioning
Handicapped accessible
Common Areas
Building Features
Sophisticated interior design by David Rockwell. Extraordinary architectural design by internationally acclaimed architect Cohen Freedman Encinosa & Assoc. of over 50 luxury condominiums in South Florida including Apogee Beach and Bellini Bal Harbour. Personal Concierge Services with 24/7 access. Infinity edge ocean view pool and sundeck. Room service offered to all units 365 days a year. Fully equipped fitness center with cardio theatre overlooking the pool deck and Ocean. Double volume entrance lobby exquisitely appointed with Italian furniture and finishes. Health spa with men’s and women’s steam and sauna facilities. Permanent installation of curated art collection throughout the building’s public spaces.
Residential Features
40 Decorator Ready condominiums with unrestricted use rights featuring open-concept floor plans. 274 furnished condominiums with a use restriction not to exceed 150 days in a year. Living Rooms appointed with European design furniture and LED “Smart” televisions. In-suite technology: high speed internet, WiFi and phone extensions with voicemail and climate control. Three Bedroom residences feature private elevators and direct ocean views. Private terraces with glass railings and unobstructed views. Dazzling Ocean views from every residence. Energy efficient, tinted, impact resistant, floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors and windows. Individually controlled, energy efficient central air conditioning and heating systems. “Smart Building” pre-wired with fiber optic for high speed internet, cable TV access.
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How are first time home buyers becoming more diverse?
Posted in Economist Commentaries, by Brandi Snowden, Research Survey Analyst on January 21, 2015
Using data from NAR’s 2006-2014 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, we can examine how the demographics of first-time homebuyers have changed over the last 9 years. What do these numbers show us about the diversity of buyers, and what insight can they provide for the future?
The demographic characteristics of first-time buyers overall has remained consistent over the last 9 years with slight increases and decreases.
Household Composition of First-Time Buyers:
Since 2006 the distribution of first-time buyers’ household composition has remained predominantly married couples, making up an average of 52% of first-time buyers.
On average 22% of first-time buyers were single females and 12% were single males or unmarried couples.
Median Age of First-Time Buyers:
The median age of first-time buyers has remained within a 3 year age gap between 30-32 years old.
The average median age of first-time buyers since 2006 was 31 years old.
Racial and Ethnic Distribution of First-Time Buyers:
The racial and ethnic distribution of first-time buyers has remained predominately White/Caucasian, making up an average of 77% of first-time buyers since 2006.
The averages of other races and ethnicities are:
Black/African American: 8%
Hispanic/Latino: 8%
Asian/Pacific Islander: 7%
Other: 3%
Country of Birth of First-Time Buyers:
Since 2006 the number of first-time buyers who were born outside of the U.S. has increased and then decreased settling back to 86% in 2014, the same as in 2006.
On average 87% of first-time buyers were born in the U.S. and 13% were born outside of the U.S.
Primary Language Spoken by First-Time Buyers:
Over the last 9 years, English has remained the primary language of first-time buyers.
On average 7% of first-time buyers spoke other languages, while 93% spoke primarily English.
The Future of First-Time Buyers:
While the demographics of first-time buyers over the last 9 years have not necessarily seen great changes, there is still the outlook for the future.
William Frey, of the Brookings Institution, recently published the book “Diversity Explosion” which looks at the demographic future of America.
Frey expounds that America is becoming a country with no racial majority, with a dramatic growth of young minority populations expected.
Frey predicts that sometime after 2040 there will be no racial majority; this would ultimately change the demographics of the first-time homebuyers moving towards greater diversity.
For more information on this research, check out the:
2014 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers and William Frey’s book Diversity Explosion
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Floridian properties now attracts buyers and investors from around the world. Today’s real estate market is no longer just a local business. It’s global! Our sales and marketing programs offers maximum exposure for your home, reaching millions of potential buyers around the globe.
The weak dollar in comparison with other currencies, have made US properties very attractive to International Home Buyers. Over the last five years the majority of all our company sales were to International buyers, 98% of whom were ALL CASH buyers.
To make your home appealing to foreign buyers, you’ll have to do a little more than hire the average real estate agent, says Michael Xylas, a New York attorney who often represents buyers from various parts of the world. “Align yourself with a broker who has ties with foreign buyers,”
1. When you hire us you will get two Brokers with more than 30 years of combined experience plus our entire multilingual sales team of agents to sell your home, not just one agent.
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We ensure that your property receives the best Internet exposure possible by strategically placing your home on Social Media and high traffic Mega Listing sites such as Zillow, Trulia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Realtor.com, HometoFlorida.com, ListingBook.com, Proxio.com, Worldproperties.com, Beaches MLS, and thousands of real estate web sites worldwide.
Some real estate agents believe taking a listing means putting it on MLS and praying and wishing for the phone to ring. At Home Max Realty International we know that marketing works best when it is consistent and integrated. Our dominant on-line presence offers maximum exposure for your home, reaching millions of potential buyers and investors from Coast to Coast and around the Globe.
3. Our web sites www.freehousehunt.com, www.miaminewluxury.condos, www.palmbeachmlssearch.com, www.domavofloride.ru, www.lomaasunto.com and www.floridahomevalues.today rank high on the major search engines and currently attracts hundreds of thousands of potential home buyers monthly from all over the globe searching for Florida properties. We have more than 50,000 registered potential buyers searching for homes in your neighborhood NOW!
5. We share our expertise to help you determine what your home is worth in the current market and assist you with strategic pricing to give your home the edge over your competition. With your listing you will get a FREE YouTube video tour of your home.
6. Count on us to work with you through the complex paperwork and legal issues that can impact the sale of your home and answer all of your questions as they arise.
7. As experts in contract negotiations, we will negotiate the best price and terms for your home sale. We help you avoid costly mistakes.
8. In today’s competitive housing market it is critical that your home shows its best. Our team will advise you how to prepare your home for a successful sale to get the highest price possible in the shortest amount of time.
9. Communication is critical. We will provide you with valuable feedback every time your house is shown. You will be in control every step of the way.
10. Our calendar is full with qualified buyer’s appointments for the months ahead. We may already have the buyer for your home!
We would like the opportunity to present you our Global Marketing Plan and targeted market strategies thatproduced great sales results in your area and share some suggestions on how to SELL YOUR HOME QUICKLY, EASILY AND FOR THE BEST PRICE!!
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An E-2 Visa is aVisa Classification that is available for foreign nationals who wish to live in the U.S. to develop and direct the operations of a business. The business can be large or small and an E-2 Visa is a great Visa option for those who want to start a business. In order to qualify for the Visa, applicants must meet specific requirements and these requirements are outlined in an article you can access by clicking here. This article focuses on the top E-2 Visa questions asked by our clients. The answers are short answers to complicated questions and should only be used as a basis for a discussion with a qualified immigration attorney. Here are the top E-2 Visa questions.
1. Does an E-2 Visa Lead to A Green Card?
No. An E-2 Visa is a non-immigrant Visa and does NOT lead to a Green Card. While it does not lead to a green card, it is often approved for a 5-year period and as long as the business is still in operation you can renew the Visa indefinitely. If you qualify for another green card category (eg. EB-5) you should consult an immigration attorney to explore the best way to apply for the green card. This can be a tricky area as the temporary intent aspect of the E-2 Visa makes applying for a green card difficult.
2. Do I have to hire U.S. employees in Order to Get an E-2 Visa?
There is no required number of U.S. workers that have to be hired to work in the business but usually the business should employ at least some employees in the U.S. as reasonably necessary for the business to operate. If no workers are hired, the investment may be considered as a business that is set up only to support the E-2 applicant and his/her family. (The legal term for this is “Marginal” and it is not permitted). You do not have to hire the workers immediately and your 5-year business plan should detail exactly when you plan to hire the employees.
3. Is an E-2 Visa the Visa where I have to Invest 1 Million dollars ($1,000,000) and hire 10 employees?
No. The E-2 Visa is often confused with an EB-5 Visa. The EB-5 Visa is a completely different Immigrant (Green Card) Visa and you can read more about and EB-5 Visa by clicking here. In contrast to an EB-5 Visa, an E-2 Visa does not require a specific amount of Investment and does not have a specific number of employees that you have to hire.
4. Can I get an E-2 Visa with a low amount of Investment? Is there a minimum amount of an Investment?
There is no required Investment dollar amount. A common myth is that a minimum of $100,000 is the required but Scott Legal Services, P.C. has obtained approval for investments with as little as $15,000 spent and $35,000 in a bank account as working capital. If your business is a service business (eg. a consulting business) the investment that is required will be much lower than if your business is a capital-intensive business (eg. car manufacturing plant).
5. Can I borrow money to start the business?
Yes. Unlike the EB-5 Visa, borrowing money is fine for this Visa as long as the business is not overly leveraged.
6. Is there a particular type of business that I have to start or buy?
No. Any for profit active business type is fine. (eg. drug store, law firm, consulting agency, car dealership, hair salon, etc.).
7. Do I have to Make a Business Plan to Get an E-2 Visa?
Yes. A 5-year business plan is required and the business plan is a key element that immigration officials consider when they review your Visa petition. To find out more about how to make an effective business plan click here.
8. Does an Investment in Real-Estate Qualify for an E-2 Visa? Can I buy a Home and get an E-2 Visa?
No. The E-2 Visa can be obtained by either purchasing an existing business or creating a new business in the United States and the business must be an “active” business. This excludes passive investments like real-estate or owning stock. Your business must also make money and as such not-for-profit enterprises are excluded.
9. Can I bring my family and can they work in the U.S.?
Your husband or wife and Children (under age 21) can also get an E-2 visas and are eligible to apply for an “Employment Authorization Document” (referred to as an EAD) to work in the United States after obtaining E-2 status. They can work in any field and this is a significant advantage of an E-2 Visa as many other non-immigrant visas, like a TN Visa and an H-1B Visa, do not allow a spouse to work in the U.S..
10. Which countries are eligible to get an E-2 Visa?
The E-2 Investor Trader Visa is only to people from the countries that the U.S. has a Treaty with. Many Western countries are on the list but there are also countries from Africa, Asia and the Middle East on the list. Israel was just recently added to the list. A complete list of the countries on the list can be found here.
11. How long does it take to get an E-2 Visa?
An E-2 Visa is a very document intensive petition. In addition to a number of government forms, the Visa requires the submission of a binder full of documentation that is often quite lengthy. Once the documentation is prepared, the processing time depends on the processing time at the consulate that is located in the applicant’s country. This could range from 3 weeks to 3 months (or longer).
12. How much does it cost?
Legal fees for an E-2 Visa will run between $5,000-$8,000 (or more) depending on the complexity of a case. Filing fees usually will not exceed $500.
13. Do I need a lawyer?
Yes. Like most Immigration law, the E-2 regulations are complicated and you must demonstrate to immigration officials that you have met all of the legal elements. In addition, the documentation requirements for an E-2 Visa are quite extensive and a legal brief must be written linking all of the elements of the Statute to your case.
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Home Max Realty International Receives 2014 Best Businesses of Lantana Award
Lantana Award Program Honors the Achievement Lantana, November 21, 2014 Home Max Realty International has been selected for the 2014 Best Businesses of Lantana Award in the Real Estate Services category by the Best Businesses of Lantana Award Program.
Each year, the Best Businesses of Lantana Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Lantana area a great place to live, work and play.
Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2014 Best Businesses of Lantana Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Best Businesses of Lantana Award Program and data provided by third parties.
About the Best Businesses of Lantana Award Program The Best Businesses of Lantana Award Program is an annual awards program honoring theachievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Lantana area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value. The Best Businesses of Lantana Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups.
Our mission is to recognize the small business community’s contributions to the U.S. economy.
Her Global marketing skills stand out from other, No Doubt! ***** Review
“Alice Lonnqvist is one of the most knowledgeable real estate professionals I have ever had the pleasure to know. The level of personal attention and trustworthiness is unparalleled. I highly recommend her services, especially those who are looking to sell their home. Her Global marketing skills stand out from other, No Doubt!”
( Michael )
Very impressed with Alice’s knowledge and professionalism ***** Review
Alice was amazing to work with while buying our first home. She was very responsive and easy to contact. Alice offered her advice on negotiating price but was willing to offer whatever we decided. I was very impressed with Alice’s knowledge and professionalism.
( Jason )
Marvelous Job ***** Review
“Alice helped us through the whole purchase process and did a marvelous job. I will use her again.”
( Olli-Pekka )
They Know The Business And Can Get The Job Done! ***** Review
“I have worked with many Real Estate Brokers in my career and I must say that Alice and Tapio are the best in the business working with. They know the business and can get the job done with ease.”
( Irina )
Top Real Estate Broker ***** Review
“Have known Alice a number of years and have worked on a number of transactions. She know’s her business and provides solutions. Communication was there and her ability to make it happen was impressive!”
NEW ORLEANS – Nov. 11, 2014 – Realtors® from across the country discussed changing homebuyer demographics that impact the housing market during the recently concluded 2014 Realtors® Conference & Expo.
“Among primary residence homebuyers, the demographics have shifted dramatically, especially among first-time homebuyers, whose share of the market has dropped to its lowest level in decades,” said Jessica Lautz, director of member and consumer survey research for the National Association of Realtors (NAR).
Adult Millennials, those aged 18 to 33, were a popular topic of panel discussion. In 2014, Millennials saw 60 percent better job growth than the U.S. overall, and a drop in unemployment to 6 percent. This growth, along with improved economic opportunities, should encourage Millennials to form households and buy homes in the coming years.
“Millennials are the largest generation of people in the U.S. and represent 60 percent of first-time homebuyers,” said Jonathan Smoke, chief economist for realtor.com®. “They are also more likely than any other group to purchase a home in the next year.”
Tightened inventory, difficulty receiving credit and lower than average salaries have kept many of Millennial buyers out of the market, but most economists see that as a temporary setback.
“It’s not that young people don’t want to purchase homes, it’s that they are delaying the purchase,” said Lisa A. Sturtevant, vice president of research for the National Housing Conference. “Many of the reasons Millennials are not forming households or making purchases are economic; so as the economy improves, we should see this group become more of a force in the housing market.”
Smoke said it’s a misperception that Millennials are not already participating in the market.
Millennials “represented 37 percent of home shoppers this summer, and over the next 5 years, this generation will make up two-thirds of household formations,” Smoke said. “Between June and September 2014, over half of adults aged 21-34 visited real estate websites or mobile apps. And this is the cusp – get ready for the millennial wave to drive the housing market for decades.”
Another group that will be competing with Millennials for dominance in the housing market is baby boomers. Sturtevant added: “With Millennials searching for new homes, baby boomers downsizing, and groups with historically lower incomes all entering the market, an increased demand for smaller, less expensive homes will begin to emerge.”
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You will receive a list of recent home sales and a home value estimate based on recent home prices of comparable properties. The home value estimator returns a range of home values, and is based on home price data from recent sales and other information about home values in the area.
The home values by address shown are only an estimate based on public data and other sources, and may not consider other factors. If you are selling your home, you should contact us and we will give you a complete comparable market analysis (CMA) that takes into consideration the unique value and characteristics of your home not found in public data.
To receive a free CMA market analysis estimating your home’s value, just fill in the form below. We will analyze the data you provide and get back to you with comparable sale information for your neighborhood and a range of approximate values for your home. If you need a more precise valuation estimate, we will arrange to tour the property with you. All information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.
(Reuters) – As construction cranes crowd the coastline and developers strive to lure wealthy international buyers with brand name towers and lavish amenities, there are signs Miami’s latest condo boom has begun to slow and a possible oversupply could temper record prices.
Since mid-2011, some 175 towers with more than 27,000 units have been proposed in Miami, says real estate analyst Peter Zalewski of CondoVultures.
Florida led the nation for foreign buyers in the quarter ending in March, attracting 23 percent of $92.2 billion of nationwide sales, according to the National Association of Realtors.
In the face of economic uncertainty and potentially higher taxes in Europe, Asia and Latin America, wealthy individuals are drawn to Miami’s year-round sunshine and prices that are still low when compared with other global capitals.
In downtown Miami, 90 percent of sales were international, primarily to investors, according to Integra Realty Resources and the city’s downtown promotion agency.
However, the investor glut, slowing condo sales and plans for thousands of new units have combined to raise analysts’ concerns.
“Because there are so many renters, foreign owners and new towers going up, rents are likely to fall, and that could prompt some (investors) to take their money off the table,” Zalewski said. “This effect could be the beginning potentially of a sell-off.”
Existing condo sales fell 3.8 percent to 1,443 in June, compared with the previous year, and were down 3.1 percent compared with May, according to the Miami Association of Realtors.
In the latest boom, developers’ focus was on building for wealthy international buyers. Unlike the cycle prior to the 2008 recession that saw some 22,000 units built in Miami, developers this time have required large deposits to finance construction. Some have asked for as much as 50 percent of a unit’s total coast, compared with 3 percent before 2008.
Buyers have flocked from Latin America, Europe and Canada, paying cash for sprawling units with designer flair.
“High-end real estate is the new global currency,” said Jonathan Miller, president and CEO of New York City real estate and appraisal consulting firm Miller Samuel.
Jorge Perez, chairman of the Related Group, which had to renegotiate more than $2 billion in unpaid debts in January 2009, agreed.
Today, Related has more than a dozen condo projects in South Florida. They include the $300 million SLS Brickell, an outpost of the posh Los Angeles hotel brand, complete with nightclubs and restaurants helmed by chefs of international renown. Although the project won’t be completed until 2016, its 450 units were sold by the end of last year.
Dezer Development, which owns a million square feet of office space in New York City and built a trio of Trump towers in northern Miami, last week announced a 60-story oceanfront Armani tower. Designed by Argentinian architect Cesar Pelli, who also designed Tokyo’s Mandarin Oriental, it will be outfitted by the Italian fashion and design house.
Dezer also has under construction a 60-story Porsche-branded tower that will have 132 apartments with a private elevator for delivering sports cars to owners’ units.
“My least expensive apartment is $5.5 million,” said developer Gil Dezer, who said 22 billionaires have put down deposits on apartments in the jet-black tower.
“I’m going to have a collection of the wealthiest people in Miami – in the world.”
NEW YORK – Sept. 5, 2014 – As the economy continues its recovery, Americans are stepping up to the plate to remodel. But unlike on popular home-improvement TV shows, most projects don’t result in a huge return on investment. And while you may not be planning to sell your home in the short term, it pays to be aware of where you’ll get the best bang for your buck.
Topping Remodeling magazine’s annual ROI list this year was, of all things, a 20-gauge steel front door. The publication estimates the cost for a midrange home at $1,162, but says it adds $1,122 to the home’s value – a 96.6 percent return on investment.
Conversely, way down Remodeling’s list are home-office conversions and sunroom additions, both of which are projected to return only about half the capital you put into them.
Why steel doors?
“Because the cost for a professional to install it is relatively low,” said Craig Webb, executive editor at Remodeling. “Compare that with the amount of time, effort and planning to do a kitchen or bath. The perceived value by Realtors is very good.”
But generally speaking, unless home valuations in your area are on a tear, anything close to a 100 percent return is unrealistic.
“The most you’re likely to recoup is 85 percent of what you spent,” said Cheryl Reed of Angie’s List. The company polls Realtors and remodelers to estimate return on home improvement projects. Reed says if you’re going to focus on one area, kitchens typically have the best ROI. They’re followed by bathrooms, decks and siding, all at about 80 percent.
The kitchen
Remodeling says that a “minor” kitchen remodel – costing an average of $18,856 – recoups its investment at 82.7 percent.
Steve Seus, a San Diego Realtor, agrees the kitchen is the top priority. “Even if the buyers aren’t cooks, (they) still want to see updated appliances,” he adds.
It’s worth paying attention to finishes and brands for the major appliances. “Stainless and granite are the buzzwords,” said Jay Hart, principal at Sold With Style, a New York-based pre-sale consulting firm. “We also encourage people to do a tile backsplash. It’s a little more expensive, but don’t cut corners here.”
In general, you should avoid unique, taste-specific finishes – simple and classic always wins. Most home buyers won’t have an appetite (or budget) for major remodels, so a look virtually anyone can get along with will sell better.
While it’s helpful to match brands, avoid high-end appliances unless that’s what the neighborhood demands. “If your price point doesn’t support Wolf or Sub-Zero, you’re not going to recoup that investment,” said Hart. “GE Profile and LG are good brands people recognize and appreciate, at a fraction of the price.”
Cheaper upgrade options are endless. New cabinet pulls and light switches might cost just a few dollars apiece. Faucets and doorknobs are other low-price, high-impact improvements.
The bath
Bathroom remodels tend to be less about brands and more about style and features.
A couple decades ago, whirlpool tubs were all the rage. No more. Homebuyers want larger showers with seamless glass doors, and amenities like steam heads and in-floor radiant heat. But it still pays to keep different types of buyers in mind.
“If you might be selling your house to a family with children, you need a tub somewhere,” Reed suggested. Similarly, homes can appeal to boomers and retirees with accessibility features for aging in place. The best of these designs look straight out of a boutique hotel, not a nursing home.
Quality brands still matter, but a top-to-bottom makeover isn’t always necessary.
“A fantastic investment is re-glazing tubs and tile floors,” suggested Hart, who says an entire bathroom can be freshened up for about $1,500 – a fraction of what a complete remodel would cost.
“Re-glazing doesn’t create a dream bathroom, but it can make that porcelain tub look almost new.”
And beyond …
According to Remodeling, a wood deck can return 87.4 percent of the average $9,539 up-front investment.
Lighting fixtures are another modest investment that can pay off handsomely – especially in the entryway and dining room. “Plus, you can exclude them in the sale price and take it with you to your next place,” said Hart. “Or use them as a negotiating point.”
ORLANDO, Fla. – Sept. 8, 2014 – U.S. real estate appeals to foreign buyers, and a large number of them settled on property in Florida – about 25 percent of all international U.S. home purchases to foreign buyers, according to the 2014 report “Profile of International Home Buyers in Florida.”
In the 12 months that ended in June 2014, the dollar value of purchases in Florida hit $7.97 billion – a 24 percent increase over the amount spent ($6.43 billion) the year before. About one in 10 property purchases (10 percent) in the state (26,500) involved a foreign buyer, an increase from 9 percent the year before.
Two major trends drove the increase in foreign buyers: A continuing recovery of the world’s economy and the affordability of U.S. properties.
U.S. and Florida residential prices remain affordable to most international homebuyers, and they buy property that, overall, costs more than the mean price paid by domestic buyers. In Florida, 76 percent of all Realtors cited less expensive property as a top reason for purchase.
Countries Canadian buyers accounted for the largest share of international clients (32 percent), followed by:
• Western Europe: 24 percent; primarily from the United Kingdom, France and Germany
• Latin America/Caribbean: 23 percent: primarily from Brazil and Venezuela
• Asia: 10 percent; primarily from China
Other key findings:
• 52 percent of Florida Realtors reported international clients (national average: 28 percent)
• 19 percent of Florida Realtors with international clients reported 6 or more clients (national average: 12 percent)
• 20 percent with international clients said they accounted for 26 percent or more of their transactions (national average: 15 percent)
• 29 percent reported that their percentage of international clients increased in the last five years (national average: 20 percent)
Market success
Realtors dealing with international clients say the key to success is understanding the culture, concerns and language of potential foreign clients; reaching out through personal contacts and online tools; and assisting potential foreign buyers through the regulatory and financial process, especially for agents on the buy-side of the transaction.
Affordable Real Estate – The local market offers record affordability, amenities, & seller incentives; 50% more affordable in the last five years; weak U.S. dollar gives greater discounts for foreign buyers
Top Market for Int’l Buyers – Florida is the top state in the U.S. & Miami is the top market for int’l buyers; & is expected to outperform other U.S. markets long into the future
Enviable Weather – The only major “subtropical” city in continental U.S.; average temp. 75 ºF / 23 ºC
Beautiful Beaches – Greater Miami has 84 miles of Atlantic Ocean coastline & 67 square miles of inland waterways & more than 15 miles of world-famous beaches
Water Sports & Activities – Enjoy snorkeling, sailing, boating, kayaking, swimming, diving & other water sports all year around
Exciting Lifestyle for All – young adults, families, baby boomers, retirees, celebrities, & visitors – museums, performing arts venues, art galleries, professional sports, & amazing places to shop
Fabulous Nightlife – Ocean Drive & more – top restaurants, night clubs, bars, world famous hotspots
Restaurants – In Miami you can savor worldwide cuisine unlike in any other city in the U.S.
Entertainment Industry – Major fashion center, top modeling agencies in the world, Fashion Week & more than 2,400 motion picture & video businesses
Commercial & Investment Real Estate – Vacancy rates for all commercial sectors in Miami are below the national average; retail & multi-family are outperforming most major markets in the U.S
“Gateway to the Americas” – Strategic location between Latin America & Europe; “Capital of the Americas” – perfect for business or pleasure
The Most Int’l City in the U. S. – nearly 50% of population is foreign born & speak over 100 languages
Global Business Center – for business, finance, commerce, media, entertainment, arts & international trade; no state income tax; home to nearly 1,200 multinational companies from 56 nations; more than 100 international consulates, trade offices & bi-national chambers of commerce
Hotels – ranks fifth in US in occupancy after New York, Oahu Island, San Francisco, & Boston
Top Tourist Destination – 12.6 million overnight guests – with 6 million of them int’l visitors
World Aviation Hub – 3rd in the U.S. with 33.5 million passengers a year; Over 80 airlines to 120 destinations – top freight airport in the U.S. with 1.8 million tons – $19 billion in business revenue/year
Port of Miami – “Cruise Capital of the World” with more than 4 million passengers a year; Also serves 240 seaports; 9 million tons of sea cargo; top markets: China, Italy, Hong Kong, Honduras & Brazil
Educational Institutions – 4th largest U. S. school district; 5 colleges & universities; 3 law schools
Hospitals – 33 hospitals; Jackson Memorial is one of the top 25 hospitals in the U. S. & Miami Children’s Hospital is rated the top pediatric hospital in the country
Top Rankings
Miami has the largest concentration of international banks in the U.S.
Miami’s skyline ranks third in the U.S. behind New York City & Chicago & 18th in the world (Almanac of Architecture & Design.)
Miami is the only major city in the United States bordered by two national parks, Everglades National Park on the West, & Biscayne National Park on the East.
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